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Some Benefits Experienced by Hospice Nurses from Group Clinical Supervision

by Dr. Alun Jones, School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting, University of Manchester


A small clinical supervision group consisting of five hospice nurses met together in their workplace one hour weekly for twelve weeks. Issues concerning professional practice were examined with the help of a researcher (AJ) who acted as facilitator. At the end of the groups life AJ asked all nurses to complete a modified Q-sort in the form of a questionnaire related to the workplace and twelve identified helpful factors (Yalom, 1975). Two weeks later the hospice nurses were interviewed in group format and asked to consider the reasons for their choice of answers. The data revealed that collectively Interpersonal Learning (Output), Identification, Catharsis, Family re-enactment, Group Cohesiveness and Self-understanding were experienced by the hospice nurses as the most helpful factors to the group. Existential factors, Guidance, Universality, Interpersonal Learning (Input), Instillation of Hope and Altruism were identified as less important. Variations in individual responses showed different ways in which a group might meet the needs of its members. The study concludes with the suggestion that work discussion groups can offer nurses the means to calm, regulate and plan their interactions with themselves and others. Clinical supervision is an effective format for exploring issues concerning professional practice allowing nurses to learn from each other, offer support, recognise how others see and esteem them as fellow workers and moderate concerns and anxiety related to their work. Group work is likely to raise anxiety in all participants however and preparation and support are required for the group facilitator. Carefully chosen membership is also considered important to the safety of members and successes of the group.

Reference: Yalom, I.V. (1975) The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Basic Books, New York.

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